Now these are the chiefs of David’s mighty men, who strongly supported him in his kingdom,
together with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of the Lord concerning Israel.
1 Chronicle 12:22AMP: For at that time day by day men kept coming to David to help him, until
there was a great army, like the army of God.

If you don’t know how to release destiny helps, it will be tough to achieve your dreams.

God is a dream giver, your dream will never suffer miscarriage.
The people that will take you to your greatness, may God keep bringing them day by day.
Your success will keep coming until God helps you through.
Confess I will not lack for helpers.
 For God to help a man, He uses man.
 If God wants to help you, He uses people. Some of them you will like, for some of them, you
will never like. Even if God uses man to help you, don’t put your trust in man for vain is the
help of man . Psalm 60:11. NKJV Give us help from trouble, For the help of man is useless.
Isaiah 30:1-3. NKJV Woe to the rebellious children,” says the Lord, “Who take counsel, but not
of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin;
30:2. Who walk to go down to Egypt, And have not asked My advice, To strengthen themselves
in the strength of Pharaoh, And to trust in the shadow of Egypt!
30:3. Therefore the strength of Pharaoh Shall be your shame, And trust in the shadow of Egypt
Shall be your humiliation.

1. Someone that God sends into your life to help you fulfill your agenda in life.
2. Is like a bridge a divine connector from where you are to where you are going to.
3. Is like a spiritual ladder or spiritual elevator that will help you to where you want to be.
4. Can be liken to a shoulder we can stand on and help us see further. Don’t despise them. Learn
to respect people not minding their religion and creed.
5. Destiny helpers are liken to mentors or coaches that God uses to bring the best out of you .
They stretch you to be bigger and stronger.
6. They could be a pastor or a prophet that could speak to bring direction to your life
7. Destiny helpers are open doors. They give access that you are looking for.

 Open door is a platform.
 A human being can be an open door you need to move you to your next level.
 Open doors are opportunities and opportunities are open doors.
 Not every door is a good door. Haggai was a door but not a good door.
Joseph told the butler when you leave the prison, remember me. That was a good door, but not a
God's door. God shut that door.
Jesus said in Revelation 3:8NKJV. “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open
door, and no one can shut it.
Jesus said whatever door I open, no man can shut. I have the keys of the door. Jesus presents all
the opportunities we need to excel. Jesus has the key and no man can shut any door He opens.
Revelation 3:7 (NKJV) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says
He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts,
and shuts and no one opens”:

1. You must be a person going somewhere. One who has a dream, a vision, an aspiration.
Someone who has somewhere important they are going to. There are people you need in life pray
to God so that you can locate them some people belong to your past, some to your future, some
to your tomorrow. Learn to identify your tomorrow people. You need someone who has your
answers. Like Joseph, he need someone who will connect him to pharaoh. Vision has a way of
attracting the right people.

2. Learn to respect authority figures. Our parents, our coaches, our pastors .
Genesis 16:9 (NKJV) the Angel of the Lord said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit
yourself under her hand.”
Paraphrase; Haggai lost respect for her mistress Sarai because she got what her mistress was
looking for.

 Those who discharge themselves prematurely, that dream may die.
Genesis 16:9-10NKJV.
16:9. The Angel of the Lord said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her
16:10 Then the Angel of the Lord said to her, “I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so
that they shall not be counted for multitude.”
 God who put the gift in you will want it to manifest than you yourself that is why premature
release die prematurely.
Submit to your authority, they will bring the best out of you.

3. If you want to enjoy the benefits of destiny helpers, be ready to serve your way to greatness.
Like Saul was the first king in Israel, to go and look for a lost donkey, that led him to the throne
of Israel.
 Promotion in God's kingdom is through small things.
Your promotion may come through man but it's God that promotes.
David went on his father's assignment unprepared and God stood out for him. David went to the
battle field with the heart of service and in that service was his promotion and his day of glory.

 Serve diligently as onto the Lord.

4. We need to develop our human spirit to be quickly led by the Holy Spirit just like athlete
develop their muscles.
 Pray regularly in the Holy Spirit to build your holy faith so that you can meet those people
you need and remove those people you don't need. To grow you to where your green pastures
When you pray in the Holy Spirit you are building your human spirit.
May God release your helpers of destiny.

1. O Lord connect me with those that matter to my future to add colour to my tomorrow.

2. Declare! Lord I will never be stranded in this journey of destiny. Right people, at the right
time and the right places will always locate me.

The poor man is not the one without money, but the one without ideas.