Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long
suffering and teaching.

1. How do you preach in the postmodern world.
2. How do you teach in the postmodern world so that your pulpit can be effective.
3. How do you conduct yourself in the Church
1. He believes in himself.
2. He believes that he has all the answers to this world.
3. He doesn’t believe there is a God and he is God.
1. You must be purposeful in your preaching.
Your preaching is for lives to be changed, families to be changed and for people to experience
genuine transformation. Your goal is to change lives. Your goal is not to impress the people on
how much you know, but to change lives. To be effective in the now is for the transformation of
lives. Liberty of the people lies in simple things.
 Some teach the bible to the Bible.
 Some teach the person the Bible.
 Some dazzle the people and leaves them confused.
People you preach and teach to, the preaching and teaching should bring changes to their lives.

2. Be Practical
The people you preach to, should know the practical step to take after they leave the service, so
that they can be effective as they practice the message. Jesus told stories and got them captivated.
Let your message provide solutions to the questions of the people as in Acts 27. How do you
preach to a people in a time like that when the people didn’t see light for days.
When you teach and preach,
 Provide solutions to the people.
 Be practical It’s good to preach revelations but their should be relieve.
 As a pastor, we should not commit intellectual suicide
 As a Preacher and Teacher, be purposeful and be practical .

a. What is that thing you want your people to know behind the pulpit. Even if you preach on
power point, there should be one thing registered in their human spirit that they will not forget.

b. Produce and know the style you are comfortable with and develop it. Don’t be another man or copy another.
Most importantly, preach like someone that is in touch with the pains and needs of the people.
You should love the people you preach to than the preaching.
3. Be Humorous
People who come to Church that listen to you preach should benefit personally. It should benefit
them were it hurts. When you teach, engage the people you are ministering to. The way to be
personal is to make eye contact, which is none verbal communication.
 Use voice affection- Voice affection is the use of high pitch exaggerated intonation and a soft
voice. You increase your voice or talk in whispers. On the day of the Pentecost Peter raise
his voice to catch the attention of the people. Don’t speak too fast and don’t speak too low, be
 Where necessary, repeat important statements. Jesus will say ” Again I say unto you or verily
I say unto you. What will help you in ministry is “Play let’s, Visual Aids, use Illustrations”
 Ministers are intellectual thieves. To steal ideas, observe the resource person.
a. How do they hold the microphone
b. How do they start their messages.
c. Use illustration.

People can recall
*20% of what they read
* 30 % of what they hear.
*40% of what they see.
*60% of what they do.
*90% of what they see, hear and do.

4. Be Powerful
Remember you are God’s oracle on earth. Speak as a man of authority. Spend a lot of time in
studying and in prayer. A man of power spends so much hour in prayer before he preaches.
Before you can represent God,
*Preach with a burden.
*Preach with passion because much is at stake, hell, and Heaven, prosperity and poverty.
Internalize your message before you preach it. If the message doesn’t touch you , it can not touch
Preach the message to yourself before you preach it. Get familiar with the message. Each time
your head goes to your notes it disconnects with the people.

1. Humour is used effectively.
2. They live where you live and they know your challenges.
3. They have solid biblical content not on experience.
4. They understand the value of real story.
5. Passion. They preach with passion.
6. Relax intently.
7. They use memorable phrase.
8. They preach one message at a time.
9. They preach on the volume of their voice.
10. They keep the message simple.
11. They make good eye contact.

There are more messages that first timers listen to before they hear the message or the minister
comes to the pulpit. The first timers gets affected by the environment the message preached by
usher’s. Make first timers feel important, shabby environment will discourage serious people
from coming. In Europe and U.S.A, they first look at website before they come for your church
meeting. People who believe in mediocrity have no place in the future “If na church, e no matter”