1. The power of the blessings.

Promotion giving life is your portion, addition and promotion.

Galatian 3:9-13


  1. It is the principle of Little by Little. Mark 4:26-29.

Progress in God’s kingdom is Little by Little.

Don’t envy anyone, for you don’t know which season they are in. Exodus 23:30.

Those who despise days of little beginning will not live long to see better days.

He who wants to go to the top does not jump steps, but a step at a time , little by little._


At age 70, you would have eaten food that will fill three (3) Dangote Trucks. Little by little.

My later will be greatly increase.


3.The Principle of Seed Time and Harvest Time. Genesis 8:22-23

“Seed has a time , but harvest has no time”.



Because I have sown seeds, my harvest shall surely come. My time , my harvest, I look for a day of harvest in Jesus name.



*Your future is not at the  mercy of Satan or your enemies.

Do something above your size. Do the unusual.


4. Principle of the Bitter Sweet . Exodus 15:22-26.


The beginning might be bitter but the end shall be sweet. Psalm 107:4-7.


*God will lead you by the right way. You will never loose your goal , your will never  loose your bearing .


This is what the pillar of Cloud means.


*May the Devil not put in your minds reasons so that you don’t have the  reason to thank God.

Words of wisdom;

*Maturity comes through pains, God suffered Israel to hunger . It’s a process.


  1. To learn to master the present to enter your glorious future;

Catch a vision beyond where your are presently.. Don’t allow you present circumstances or state to determine your worth.

*Russian Jews that survived the Holocaust caught a vision of the future.

*Catch a vision of the future and don’t give up on it .

2Corinthian 3:18.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.


Two different human being, two different backgrounds, don’t see the same thing the same way. Both can be correct, both can be wrong until they blend with what they are seeing.


 Words of wisdom

*Immaturity exist when one insist you must see what I see.


I say to you , you will enjoy your home.


  1. To be a Seed Sower.

Your seed puts you eternal steps ahead of Satan. When the Devil attacks, he is coming too late.

*A seed carries a great future .

*A seed carries a potential future.


Pray the four (4) prayer points;

  1. In Jesus name, I refuse to be held captive by the past. I release myself from the prison of small things , small expectations, negative past and positive past, small thinking from the prison of my yester years


  1. In Jesus name, I destroy the forces of stagnation walking against my life and forces of Demotion walking against my life.


  1. Lord! You heard the prayer of Jabez , hear my prayers also, enlarge my greatness before the end of this year.


  1. All those that have joy in sponsoring my tears , may the vengeance of God cut them down.


Prophetic declaration;

Before the end of this year, God will do something to boost your confidence and will cut short the celebration of hell.

God will do something to cut short the celebration of your enemies.

Every pit of pre mature death , whoever dug that pit we push him inside. Where you are expecting God to do one thing , He will give you double,  If you expect ten, He will give you hundred.

The wilderness shall be a fruitful field, and a fruitful field a Forest, and a  Forest, your overwhelming increase in Jesus name.

The future you believe and you are seeing, you will get there, that force of frustration is buried in Jesus name.

In Jesus name, you later end shall be greatly increased. Amen.